Photo by Piotr Nykowski

Through our work with children, youngsters and grownups we have developed a unique educational method that enables people to open up to joyful learning at all levels. Our instructors are actors and artists of Stella Polaris constantly looking for ways to relate their experience and skills to different people and settings. Our workshops require no particular prequalification other than motivation and a curious approach to learning. Whether you want to learn how to juggle, blow fire, use your voice or develop your ability to communicate, your motivation will be the most important thing. If you have an idea, or a project for a workshop, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Gjøglerteater for Barn og Unge


    Vi driver vårt eget teater for barn, der deltakerne undervises av pedagoger som også er skuespillere i Stella Polaris. Pedagogene gir av sin erfaring innen gjøglerfaget. Utfra felleskap, bevegelse og rytme leker vi oss fram til ferdigheter innen akrobatikk, sjonglering, styltedans, scenekamp, trapes og linedans. Musikk og sang er bærende elementer i treningen og i forestillingene vi lager med barna. Vi arbeider mye med improvisasjon, gruppedynamiske øvelser, karaktertrening og teaterleker. Barna får delta i prosessen rundt utformingen av forestillingene. I den eldste gruppa arbeider vi også en del med tekst og historiefortelling.

    Våren 2024 tilbyr vi gjøgleteaterkurs for barn og unge på onsdager på Øvre Myra

    1. til 4. trinn kl 17 til 18.30
    5. til 7. trinn kl 18.45 til 20.30

    Kurset avslutter med en forestillinger som vises 21. april på Øvre Myra.

    Målet med kurset er å jobbe gjennom sirkus, sang, dans og utvikle et utrykk for denne anledningen.

    Vi har FRIPLASSER og søskenrabatt

    Ved spørsmål og påmelding kontakt:

  • Move Your Limits

    Per Spildra Borg and Merete Klingen – the founders of Stella Polaris – welcome you to a journey!

    A workshop where you will learn methods of expression through body and voice language, and techniques to explore your possibilities of communication in a private and professional context.

    We will through dance, song, movement, and rhythm-work open new doors for expression and communication.

    The workshop is open to everyone who wants to find inspiration and more joy and love in life, and for people who are simply curious to find out more about themselves through this human and art work.

    We will promote time and place for new workshops in web, FB and Instagram

    Photo by Piotr Nykowsky

  • People in Movement

    Through our work with children, youngsters and grownups we have developed a unique educational method that enables people to open up to joyful learning at all levels.

    Our instructors are actors and artists of Stella Polaris constantly looking for ways to relate their experience and skills to different people and settings.

    Our workshops require no particular prequalification other than motivation and a curious approach to learning.

    Whether you want to learn how to juggle, blow fire, use your voice or develop your ability to communicate, your motivation will be the most important thing.

    The workshop will usually end with participating in one of our performances where the participants are joining with dances, singing and acting together wit our artists. But we can also give workshops in other contexts.

    If you have an idea, or a project for a workshop, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    We give workhops from 2 hours to 5 full days.

    Photo by Kathrine Thude.